Law Office of Shellon Washington
Law Office of Shellon Washington
International Law Firm
Madical Malpractice
Legal Malpractice
Personal Injuries
Tort affecting Land
International Law
Foreign Business Development
Franchise Agreements
Joint Ventures
US Customs Law
Tariff Classification
Customs Valuation
Country of Origin and Marking
Duty Reduction or Exemption
Duty Drawback
Seizures and Forfeitures
Fines and Penalties
Focused Assessment
Prior Disclosure
Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
Food and Drug Imports
International Trade Law
International Agreements
International Sales Agreements
International Transactions
Cross-Border Transactions
Foreign Business Development
Franchise Agreements
Joint Ventures
Foreign Investment
Intellectual Property DisputesNegotiation of ocean transport contracts, including bills of lading and charter parties